Zaterdag 11 januari, 14:00 - 15:30
(Doors open at 13:50)
Asian Movie Night: Beyond Borders
Kids workshop: Yalda-Night in Stop Motion Animation
5 - 12 years | English, Dutch | 3 euro material cost | registration required, parents welcome
EN This Stop Motion workshop invites children from all backgrounds to dive into a creative adventure. They’ll bring the Yalda Night tradition to life by crafting greeting post scenes from cardboard, clay, and even snacks like pomegranates and watermelons! Through stop-motion, these treats come alive, turning Yalda’s warmth and spirit of togetherness into a playful, immersive experience. This workshop isn’t about strict instruction—it’s all about exploring, imagining, and connecting with new stories and each other. REGISTRATION→
About the Instructors:
Marzieh Rasekh: A talented 2D animator/Illustrator from Iran, Marzieh combines traditional animation styles with digital techniques. Her animations More (2018) and Let's Play (2023) have garnered nominations and selections at various festivals.
Minhong Yu: An independent curator and visual artist based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She graduated from the Sandberg Instituut and China Central Academy of Fine Arts. With a wealth of experience in children's workshops and a passion for cross-cultural exchange, Minhong sparks each child's unique creativity with flair and fun!
Zaterdag 11 januari, 19:00
Asian Movie Night: Beyond Borders. Composed of Innovative Shorts by Iranian Artists
NL Voor de wintereditie komt Asian Movie Night terug met een programma met korte animatiefilms, samengesteld door Marzieh Rasekh en Baran Sedighian. 'Beyond Borders' onderzoekt diverse, onvertelde verhalen met een vreugdevolle, zelfbevestigende en creatieve blik. Door middel van films, workshops en lezingen werpt het programma licht op het unieke verhaal en de visuele expressies van Iraanse makers die hun kunst gebruiken om te pleiten voor sociale rechtvaardigheid en interculturele dialoog en coalitiedenken te bevorderen. MEER→
EN For the winter edition, Asian Movie Night comes back with an exciting shorts programme curated by Marzieh Rasekh and Baran Sedighian. 'Beyond Borders' explores diverse, untold stories with a joyful, self-affirming, and creative view. Through films, workshops and talks, the programme sheds light on the unique narrative and visual expressions of Iranian creators who use their art to advocate for social justice and facilitate intercultural dialogue and coalitional thinking. MORE→
Maandag 13 januari, 19:30
La Hija de la Laguna (The Daughter of the Lake)
+ Q&A with Elmer Micha Vásques + concert
Ernesto Cabellos Damián | 2015 | Peru | 88’ | EN subtitles
NL Tijdens de hoogtijdagen van de Peruviaanse goudkoorts gebruikt een Andes-vrouw, die in staat is om met watergeesten te communiceren, haar krachten om te voorkomen dat een mijnbouwbedrijf het meer vernietigt dat zij beschouwt als haar moeder.
Na de vertoning vindt er een Q&A plaats met Elmer Micha Vásques, vertegenwoordiger van de Vereniging voor Culturele Ontwikkeling 'Tinkari'. Ook is hij een inheemse kunstenaar en milieuactivist die zich inzet voor de bescherming van inheems land in Cajamarca, Peru.
In samenwerking met Gira Holanda.
EN At the height of the Peruvian gold rush, an Andean woman able to communicate with water spirits uses her powers to prevent a mining corporation from destroying the lake she considers to be her mother.
After the screening a Q&A will take place with Elmer Micha Vásques, representative of the Association for Cultural Development "Tinkari". He is also an indigenous artist and environmental activist dedicated to protecting Indigenous lands in Cajamarca, Peru.
In collaboration with Gira Holanda.
Vrijdag 17 januari, 20:30
Are you having fun?! – DIY queer shorts
NL Heb jij plezier? Duik halsoverkop in een bombastische verkenning van plezier met drie DIY-shorts. De regisseurs van de films, Lucas en Sara, zullen aanwezig zijn deze avond!
EN Are you having fun?! Dive headfirst into a bombastic exploration of fun with three DIY shorts. The directors of the films, Lucas and Sara, will be present in the evening!
Lucas Boerwinkel | 2024 | NL | 30’
BRRRP brings fun in all its forms to the big screen: from witching hour in the club, fruity beauties and an unhinged gymnastics class to a virtual fighting pit or an out-of-control after party.
Hot Patch!
Sara Elzinga | 2024 | NL | 6’
Hot Patch! is a short film about a girl band on tour. Mean bookers, aggressive audience and persistent frustrations make them second guess the road ahead. Do they keep going or do they find a way out?
Chris Vargas & Eric A. Stanley | 2007 | VS | 27’
Homotopia chronicles a group of radical queer's dedicated to exposing the trouble with gay marriage, dismantling the State, undoing Empire, while looking totally fierce.
Zaterdag 18 januari, 20:30
Women in Animation
NL Een boeiende avond die het uitzonderlijke talent en de visie van vrouwelijke animatieregisseurs laat zien. Het programma, gecureerd door Nahid Malayeri en Narjes Mohammadi, bestaat uit een selectie van korte animaties van over de hele wereld, die stuk voor stuk unieke vertelstijlen, innovatieve technieken en diverse culturele perspectieven weerspiegelen. Dit evenement belicht de stemmen van vrouwen in animatie – stemmen die vaak ondervertegenwoordigd zijn, maar die de kunstvorm in belangrijke mate hebben gevormd. MEER→
EN A captivating evening showcasing the exceptional talent and vision of female directors in animation. The program, curated by Nahid Malayeri and Narjes Mohammadi, features a selection of short animations from around the globe, each reflecting unique storytelling styles, innovative techniques, and diverse cultural perspectives. This event highlights women’s voices in animation—voices that have often been underrepresented yet have significantly shaped the art form. MORE→
Vrijdag 24 januari, 20:30
Kissable Screens: Written in the Body III
by Porn Film Festival Amsterdam
EN Before kicking off with Porn Film Festival Amsterdam 2025 which will happen on February 6 - 9, we can turn on our body and mind with these two intimate stories shown during the previous Porn Film Festival Amsterdam at Cavia.
These two films are programmed under the theme Written in the Body, and explore the hidden territory of sexuality, masculinity, race, faith and above all, how all these identities overlap with each other. All bodies bear the mark of a unique history and form the ground for past and future battles. The third selection of Written in the Body presents two mid-length films in which sound creates pornographic images in our heads.
Sunny Boy
Sara Moralo | 2019 | UK | 42’ | EN subs
Sunny Boy is a personal story about being gay in Malaysian society, and how migration to the Global North, while bringing sexual freedom, also confronts us with racism.
Yannick | 2022 | Frankrijk | 34’ | EN subs
Second, we screen Explorations, the story of Alix, to find themself through pleasure. Explorations is a celebration of anal pleasure, an invitation to find ourselves in what moves deep inside.
Vrijdag 31 januari, 20:30
K-Family Affairs
Arum Nam | 2023 | Zuid-Korea | 90’ | EN subs
EN On 3 December 2024, Yoon, the former president of South Korea created a "legislative dictatorship" by declaring martial law. He accused his political opponents of conducting "anti-state activities" and collaborating with "North Korean communists" to destroy the country. The martial law was met by surprise and panic amongst the citizens – who actively demand pro-democracy through protests – and fortunately was lifted after 6 hours.
Democracy in South Korea was achieved through countless struggles and deaths of people. However, this history has been ignored by far right political views that are stuck in cold war ideologies and capitalist developmentalism. After martial law happened, people realized that democracy is something that is under threat unless they fight for it.
K-Family Affairs will give you an insight to understand Korean politics of the past and the present by following the life of the director's family. A feminist mother and a patriot father who participated in the student-led democratic movement during the 80's seem like they are going separate paths. Arum starts questioning what democracy they fought for after experiencing the Sewol ferry disaster and the rise of the MeToo movement, both traumatic events in the timeline of her generation. The film portrays not only Arum's family affairs or that of Korean people, but considers all the stories of those who live under clashing political views.