

Vr. 14 |  Three Sides to Every Story: Korean Cinema for 10th Anniversary of Sewol Ferry Disaster
Za. 15 |  Kissable Screens x queer.red presents! Down & Dirty DYI Porn shorts
Za. 22 |  Neo Kino A.D. presents: 2 Years Anniversary Event
Wo. 26 |  Where Olive Trees Weep (Palestine solidarity screening)
Vr. 28 |  Twin Vessels
Za. 29 |  Asian Movie Night presents: Smooth Pink Fresh & Crude

Vrijdag 14 juni, 20:30


Three Sides to Every Story: Korean Cinema for 10th Anniversary of Sewol Ferry Disaster

Various | 2024 | Zuid-Korea | 112’ | EN subs


EN Three Sides to Every Story is an omnibus film combining three documentaries telling the story of people who were at the scene of the 2014 Sewol Ferry disaster: journalists, bereaved families of the victims, and the survivors. Ten years after the disaster, what did it leave them? These are three omnibus documentaries with different perspectives.



JOO Hyunsook | 2024 | Zuid-Korea | 41’ | EN subs

EN Grayzone by Joo Hyunsook, is a documentary about the Sewol ferry disaster, telling the story of the reporters, documentarians, and freelance journalists who covered the tragic event. Despite being considered relatively conscientious, the journalists admit that they could only be "media vultures" at the time of the disaster, and they are still haunted by nightmares of that day.

In Your Room

HAN Younghee | 2024 | Zuid-Korea | 38’ | EN subs

EN In your room, by director Han Younghee, is about two bereaved families who keep reminders of their children, who died in the disaster. Chang-hyeon’s mom received a video clip of his son misbehaving, including smoking a cigarette long after the tragic incident, but even this is a very precious reminder for her, while Ho-seong’s mom tries to embrace the traces of her son by keeping all his belongings, despite some conflict. The film allows us to fully understand the feelings of those who have no choice but to take care of even the smallest trace of their children.

’97 Drive

OH jisoo | 2024 | Zuid-Korea | 33’ | EN subs

EN The protagonists in ’97 Drive are Aejin and her friend, Hyejin, both survivors from the Sewol ferry disaster, who share their memories and talk about the future while driving to the charnel house of Minji, their friend who died in the disaster. The life of the Sewol Generation is reflected in the film through a story about director Oh Jisoo, who is the same age as them, and joined the Sewol Ferry Documentary Group after being traumatized by the tragedy. This omnibus project was the grand prize winner of 4.16 foundation’s Cultural Contents Competition last year. (Excerpt from Jeonju International Film Festival)

Zaterdag 15 juni, 20:30


Kissable Screens x queer.red presents!
Down & Dirty DYI Porn shorts

Total duration: 42 mins + Q&A


EN What happened after sex workers from across the NL and the sex industry came together over a month-long workshop to produce queer porn? Come to Cavia on the 15th of June for the hot, panty-dripping and queer-as-fuck results. More→

Zaterdag 22 juni, 19:30


Neo Kino A.D. presents: 2 Years Anniversary Event

Mutation + At Dawn They Sleep


EN "With a bit of delay, we're announcing our special TWO year anniversary event. To celebrate, we'll have a party after the screening with DJ sets. And this time (only?), Cineville cards are valid!"


At Dawn They Sleep

Brian Paulin | 2000 | USA | 80’

"Stephen and Ian are a duo of violent drug dealers at war with Billy Rae Douglas and his gang. After spending the night with two mysterious women, Stephen and Ian find out that they have become vampires with a neverending thirst for blood and flesh."

Inspired by the lyrics of the eponymous song by Slayer, At Dawn They Sleep mixes elements from Vampire mythology and modern American crime cinema, along with imagery reminiscent of Black Metal music and outrageous gore. 



Marc Fehse & Timo Rose | 1999 | Duitsland | 98’

During World War II, the Axis powers create a serum called K7B, aiming at creating an army of soldiers with supernatural powers. Before the K7B project is unleashed on the battlefield, Allied forces destroy the manufacturing lab and the K7B serum is considered to be lost forever. In modern day Germany, a religious fanatic finds a K7B sample, believing that the serum has given him godlike powers, he goes on a rampage of destruction, rising a horde of zombies.

The most ambitious movie coming from the underground German horror scene (which paved the way for three sequels), with fast paced gory action scenes reminiscing The House of the Dead videogame series.

Woensdag 26 juni, 20:30


Palestine solidarity screening

Where Olive Trees Weep

Maurizio Benazzo, Zaya Benazzo | 2024 | USA | 102’ | English


No One Is Free Until We Are All Free

Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice. The film follows, among others, Palestinian journalist and therapist Ashira Darwish, grassroots activist Ahed Tamimi, and Israeli journalist Amira Hass. We witness Dr. Gabor Maté offering trauma-healing work for a group of women who have been tortured in Israeli prisons.

Ancient landscapes bear deep scars, having witnessed the brutal reality of ancestral land confiscation, expulsions, imprisonment, home demolitions, water deprivation, and denial of basic human rights. Yet, through the veil of oppression, we catch a glimpse of resilience—deep roots that have carried the Palestinian people through decades of darkness and shattered lives. This emotional journey bares the humanity of the oppressed while grappling with the question: what makes the oppressor so ruthlessly blind to its own cruelty?

Entrance is donation based. The filmmakers collect the donations and mention the following:

"Your contribution supports planting olive trees in Palestine with Treedom for Palestine, humanitarian aid in Gaza with Middle East Children Alliance and trauma healing in Palestinian communities with Catharsis Holistic Healing. It will also help us bring the movie to larger audiences and broaden the understanding of the situation in Palestine, along with the cycles of trauma that perpetuate it."

Donation page by the organisation behind the film: Science & Non-Duality (SAND)

Vrijdag 28 juni, 20:30


Twin Vessels

Nicola Baratto & Yiannis Mouravas | 2024 | IT, GR, NL | 60’ | EN


NL Filmhuis Cavia presenteert in samenwerking met Indebt een speciale vertoning van Twin Vessels, een evocatief moving-image programma als onderdeel van de sculpturale tentoonstelling van kunstenaarsduo Nicola Baratto & Yiannis Mouravas, momenteel te zien bij Indebt. De kunstenaars presenteren twee nieuwe videowerken vanuit hun interdisciplinaire benadering, waarbij ze mythologie, geschiedenis en folklore vermengen via verschillende media op het scherm, waaronder textiel, hout en keramiek. De vertoning wordt gevolgd door een Q&A gemodereerd door Alessandro Tomasi (100% / Halal Amsterdam).

EN Filmhuis Cavia in collaboration with Indebt, presents a special screening of Twin Vessels, an evocative moving-image program as part of the sculptural exhibition by artist duo Nicola Baratto & Yiannis Mouravas, currently on view at Indebt. The artists will present two new video works built from their interdisciplinary approach, blending mythology, history, and folklore through various mediums on screen including textile, performance woodwork, and ceramics. The screening will be followed by a Q&A discussion moderated by Alessandro Tomasi (100% formerly Halal Amsterdam).

Zaterdag 29 juni, 19:00


Asian Movie Night presents: Smooth Pink Fresh & Crude

“I am a form
expressing itself in the earth's crust
wringing itself out” - Een Lichaam Dragen, Hannah Chris Lomans

Queer has had a long history of being a word that signals otherness, strangeness, that can carry the tune of disdain, yet also a unifying word that is possessed by its people. But who are those people, and how did we get to come together? In a quest to think about what does a queer way of being feel, sound, or taste like, this summer Asian Movie Night has prepared a diverse and complex program that navigates queer life, embodiment, and desire.

At Filmhuis Cavia, Smooth Pink Fresh & Crude is screening a selection of short films from varied parts of the world that discuss different aspects of queerness, whether in the abstract or the tangible.

Dancing Colors

M. Reza Fahriyansyah | 2022 | ID | 15’ | Indonesian, EN subs


Feeling that their highly sensitive son Dika is abnormal, his parents decide to undertake a ritual. They call on an imam to chase away a jinn, but is the resulting dance a successful ritual – or just a performance?


Dismantle Me

Max Disgrace | 2023 | UK | 13’ | English, no subs


A comical proposition turns into an arousing powerplay when a smoldering-hot trans woman helps a heartbroken trans man tidy his messy bedroom.



Aileen Ye | 2023 | NL | 15’ | Chinese, EN subs


A martial arts inspired dance-fight between a lion dancer and queer performer reflecting the tension between traditional and modern identities in a dreamscape nightmare.



Yoriko Mizushiri | 2012 | JP | 6’ | English, no subs


Wrapped in the futon… Memories are coming to the mind, the future is imagined, senses are recaptured, physical feelings as a woman are deeply ingrained…Everything melts pleasantly all together. In the futon, the body wonders, seeking for these senses…



NL Toegang 5 euro, tenzij anders vermeld. We accepteren ook de Cinevillepas.
Reserveren is niet mogelijk. Kaartjes kunnen vanaf een half uur voor aanvang aan de bar gekocht worden.
EN Entrance 5 euros, unless stated otherwise. We also accept the Cineville card.
It's not possible to make reservations. Tickets can be bought at the bar, half an hour before the film starts.