Zaterdag 15 juni

Kissable Screens x presents!

Down & Dirty DYI Porn shorts




What happened after sex workers from across the NL and the sex industry came together over a month-long workshop to produce queer porn?

The Down & Dirty DIY Porn Workshop was a whore-y fantasy brought to life, sparked by this very question and premiered during a sold-out screening at the Porn Film Festival Amsterdam last February. Dreamed up by queer sex workers Mercy and Vivi—with their respective years-long experience in the sex industry—and in collaboration with, Down & Dirty DIY invited aspiring, current, and former sex workers in Amsterdam & the NL into a month-long, peer-to-peer, porn skill share. As a skill share, we engaged the different knowledges of whores from across the industry, bridge gaps in the sex worker community, all while making our own queer fantasies realized in porn—while using DIY and accessible methods.

And who better than other queer sex workers to conjure up hot, panty-dripping, and queer-as-fuck scenes together? These shorts will be a break from your average porn. So buckle up, loves, you‘re in for a ride.

A q&a will follow after the screening with the producers and some of the directors. The screening will be co-hosted by a Dutch-based group of (former) sex workers, feminists, queer and trans people who organise events on the topic of sex work with the aim to destigmatise sex work through more nuanced and diverse representations.

Zaterdag 15 juni, 20:30


Kissable Screens x presents!
Down & Dirty DYI Porn shorts

Total duration: 42 mins + Q&A


Mistress, I’m Hungry

Mercy St. James | NL | 2024 | 9’ | English


Discover queer, sex worker joy through the senses sight, sound and, most importantly, taste. This short will leave you in knots, dripping, and hungry for more as one lucky whore not only gets served a face-full of a feast from their mistress, but an extra-sweet and surprise second round.



Jude and Sensual Nova | NL | 2024 | 11’ | English


A kinky journey through the four elements, earth, water, metal, and fire, Elemental is an aesthetic experiment in what happens when the flesh meets each. But don’t be fooled as if it were just for looks: prepare your body to feel the whip of tree branches, the rush of wetness, the cool of metal in sensitive places, and drip of hot wax across your skin. Even from the theater seat, Elemental turns porn into an elaborate sensation play!


The Whoresurrection

Beau | NL | 2024 | 9’ | English


Lilith, the original femme outcast and whoremother is resurrected after a particularly whore-y ritualist makes a sacrifice. Cinematic and breathtaking, The Whoresurrection is both a poem and prayer to protect and bring prosperity to all sex workers - past, present and future.


Shoes Your Weapon

Vivi Stone | NL | 2024 | 9’ | English


Three sex workers are seeking pleasers that can meet their high standards...and the Van der Soles, a family of secret foot fetishists in Amsterdam’s Red Light District, have been sewing the weapons of resistance into the soles of window workers’ shoes for centuries. But will the worker’s favourite heels pass the durability test? Shoes your weapon, and find out!


Fuck you, Pay Me!

Mercy St. James | NL | 2024 | 8’ | English


Two Amsterdam window workers are rudely interrupted by the ugliest sight imaginable, The Mayor’s Erotic Prison: a building where the evil city government wants to lock away sex workers for good! Luckily their domme friend knows the perfect solution: just sit on it! Fuck You, Pay Me! is the ultimate form of the body (and butts, specifically) as a powerful tool of resistance against the oppression of sex workers everywhere!



NL Toegang 5 euro.
We accepteren ook de Cinevillepas.
Kaartjes kunnen vanaf een half uur voor aanvang aan de bar gekocht worden.
EN Entrance 5 euros.
We also accept the Cineville card.
Tickets can be bought at the bar, half an hour before the film starts.