House Policy

Filmhuis Cavia is a collectively run cinema. The folks behind the scenes – including programmers, projectionists and bartenders, amongst many others – do so for the love of cinema and the communities that gather here. 

We ask you to recognise and respect this as a place of care and community, where violent or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.

Please read the guidelines below before entering and be aware that refusing to respect these rules may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the premises.


Code of conduct

  • Racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist, transphobic, classist, and other discriminatory behaviours are not tolerated in any form. There is zero tolerance for sexual harassment or physical assault.

  • We don’t tolerate harassment or violence of any form. This can include unwanted behaviour such as touching, following, staring, invading personal space, deliberately intimidating, and engaging in otherwise oppressive or disrespectful actions or communications towards the space, volunteers or guests.

  • Smoking inside is strictly prohibited.

  • We can ask you to go home if you are too intoxicated. Being intoxicated is never an excuse for any shitty behaviour.

  • Keep noise to a minimum outside after 22:00 and show respect to our neighbours at all times.


What to do if you feel unsafe

  • If you feel threatened or intimidated by someone’s behaviour please reach out to the people behind the bar or the volunteer introducing the film. We will do our best to resolve the issue and restore safety. You can also send an email to if there is something that happened or that we can improve. 

  • If a person refuses to abide by the guidelines, volunteers will either handle the situation directly, ask them to leave or call the police, as the situation requires.

  • If there is resistance to the instructions, the lights will be turned on and the projection will be stopped until the situation is resolved or the instigator has left.

  • An individual who is banned from Cavia due to disrespect, harassment or any other form of violent behaviour cannot return to Cavia under any circumstances without express permission of the collective. In some cases, this will be possible after a mediated meeting with the group shows they have reflected on their behaviour. However, the collective also reserves the right to uphold the ban permanently where necessary.

  • A person who was asked to leave Cavia and feels this decision was unfair, can request mediation via:

This list is not exhaustive. We reserve the right to refuse entry or access to anyone disregarding the instructions and boundaries set by our event hosts or breaching Dutch laws, even when they are not listed in this document.


Caring for & respecting the space

  • You can bring your own food to eat in the foyer as long as you are neat and considerate. Please don’t eat or open hot food inside the cinema. A clean cinema is nicer for everybody and eating can produce unwanted noises and smells.

  • If you need to use your phone, please sit close to the door and leave the cinema first. Phone lights inside the zaal diminish other people’s experience. 

  • Don’t put your feet on the seats or otherwise disrespect the space, equipment or furniture.

  • During the Q&As, please be concise and caring with your comments or questions. We screen films that touch on difficult topics to encourage understanding and stimulate discussion, be respectful in your speech and listen openly to different perspectives. Always respect decisions made by the moderator and host.

  • The volunteer room, archive, office and projection room are private spaces where people volunteering at Cavia can rest or carry out production tasks. You are welcome here only when the event's hosts invite you in. Please be respectful and leave when you are asked to do so.

  • You can check the books and tapes in this room with the permission of a volunteer. It is not possible to take them home as these items are part of our archive. For specific research requests please contact