

Zo. 01 |  Soviet Hippies
Vr. 06 |  Círculo roto: Falling Fast & Falling Asleep
Za. 07 |  Don’t Worry About India
Vr. 13 |  Objector
Za. 14 |  Cinema Colombiano no.9
Do. 19 |  Efforts of Nature V: New works from Morgan Quaintance
Vr. 20 |  Kissable Screens: Remote Sex Work
Za. 21 |  48 Years: Silent Dictator
Do. 26 |  enWIREment 3 – the current experience!

Zondag 1 september, 17:00


Soviet Hippies / Nõukogude hipid
+ director’s talk

Terje Toomistu | 2017 | Estland | 75’ | EN subs

Flower power in Smolensk, Russia (Private collection of director)

NL Cavia heeft lang moeten wachten om Sovjet Hippies te kunnen vertonen, nadat deze vanwege de eerste corona-lockdown in 2020 was geannuleerd. Dit is een zeldzame film over een ongebruikelijk onderwerp, en regisseur Terje Toomistu komt naar Amsterdam voor een Q&A na afloop.

Sovjet Hippies is een documentaire over de psychedelische subcultuur in de Sovjet-Unie tijdens de jaren 60 en 70. Deze documentaire is vooral een visuele en muzikale reis terug in de tijd, waarbij counter-culture in de Sovjet-Unie wordt verkend. Vaak werd het beeld geschetst dat het ijzeren gordijn het leven in het westen en oosten van elkaar gescheiden hield en dat subculturen niet bestonden in de Sovjet-Unie. De waarheid is dat er altijd dissidenten en repressie aan beide kanten zijn geweest. Deze film dompelt je onder in een golf van kunstenaars, muzikanten, eclectische drugsexperts, spirituelen, freaks en vagebonden die tot bloei kwamen in Rusland. Ze streden voor vrede, en net als hun tegenhangers in het Westen werden ze geconfronteerd met geweld.

Veel van het materiaal in deze film is samengesteld uit zeldzame Sovjet-archiefbeelden en voorheen ongeziene 16mm-amateurfilms. We verkennen ook de historische bijeenkomst die plaatsvond in juni 1971, toen hippies uit het hele land samenkwamen in Moskou. Er zijn zelfs mensen uit Estland die 40 jaar later nog steeds afreizen naar Moskou om de nalatenschap van de oorspronkelijke bijeenkomst te vieren.

EN Cavia has been waiting for a long time to screen Soviet Hippies, since the screening was canceled due to lockdown during Covid in 2020. It is a rare film with an off-beat topic, and director Terje Toomistu will travel to Amsterdam to answer your questions this September.

This is a documentary about a psychedelic subculture that existed in the Soviet Union during the 60s and 70s. As a documentary, it isn't filled with statistics and facts, but is more of a visual and musical journey back in time, exploring this counter-culture underground movement. According to mainstream media the iron curtain kept everything on both sides air-tight, and subcultures didn't exist in the Soviet Union. The truth is that there have always been dissidents and repression on both sides, and this flick dives into a colorful wave of artists, musicians, eclectic drug experimenters, spiritualists, freaks and vagabonds that blossomed in Russia. They were struggling for peace, and like their counterparts in the West, they were met with violence.

Much of the material in this flick is composed of rare Soviet archive footage, and previously unseen 16mm home movies. We also explore the historic gathering that occurred in June 1971, when hippies from all over the country converged on Moscow. This movie also follows people from places like Estonia who still make pilgrimages to Moscow 40 years later to celebrate the incandescent spirit of the original rally.

Vrijdag 6 september, 20:30


Círculo roto: Falling Fast & Falling Asleep



EN Círculo Roto is a series of community film screenings that highlight works from independent makers. For this first edition, we present a program that expands upon the relationship between sleep, dreaming and healing through a selection of short films from rising independent makers.

We are all falling. Falling into the mundanity of routine, the safety of comfort, the forgetfulness of time, we are in need of an awakening to remind us of who we truly are. But to be awake one must first be asleep. In Falling Fast & Falling Asleep, we sink into the depths of the subconscious, where we must face what we have forgotten and what we keep trying to forget, wounds left open in the darkness of the mind. From the many restorative qualities of our sleep, the act of dreaming, the theatres we entertain while our eyes rest, can illuminate aspects of our waking life that are in need of attention, and thus facilitate healing. Each with their own authorial mark and proposing different conceptions of the dream-state, these films in this program forge a path through the uncertainties of the human mind, calling for a revelation, an awakening.

That summer when Criss Angel levitated on cable TV left a deep impression on me – Pedro Gossler
Going going gone – Margarita Kosareva
A nightpiece for those who feel or felt like they were falling – Tessa Langeveld
Daydream – Catalina Reyes Navarro
Mechanic – Colin Oord, Helena Musillo Ates, Albert Rosager
This World Does Not Fit Into My Eyes – Felix Kalmenson & Rouzbeh Akhbari
My name is the sound I use to introduce myself – Albert Rosager
Can you leave the door open – Maïa Taïeb
Waking Theory – Delfin Lev & Sebastian Vasquez Cipriani
As political landscapes dissolve – Zora Ottink

Zaterdag 7 september, 20:30


Don’t Worry About India

Nama Filmcollective | 2020 | Zwitserland, Duitsland, India | 98’ | EN subs


EN An Indian filmmaker returns to his homeland during the national elections. With voting spread over a period of six long weeks, he starts travelling the country, turning the camera towards his family. Their privileged life contrasts starkly with the lives of the ordinary Indian citizens working for them. With a dry sense of humour and eye for the absurd, the director tries to comprehend the India of today, connecting collective and family history, and confronting the recent rise of right-wing populism. A bittersweet and often hilarious tale about the biggest and most chaotic democracy in the world.

Vrijdag 13 september, 20:30



Molly Stuart | 2019 | USA | 75’ | EN subs


EN Like all Israeli youth, Atalya is obligated to become a soldier. Unlike most, she questions the practices of her country’s military, and becomes determined to challenge this rite of passage. Despite her family’s political disagreements and personal concerns, she refuses military duty and is imprisoned for her dissent. Her courage moves those around her to reconsider their own moral and political positions. Objector follows Atalya to prison and beyond, offering a unique window into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from the perspective of a young woman who seeks truth and takes a stand for justice.

Zaterdag 14 september, 12:30 - 22:00


Cinema Colombiano no.9

Echando Cabeza. Archivos, memorias y otras historias



EN Echando cabeza is the ninth edition of Cinema Colombiano, with which we want to invite you to think about the role of memory and archives in Colombian cinema and music.

You can expect films that make use of personal or forgotten archives to create alternative stories about the country. Observing the role of nostalgia in the formation of memories and life stories, the program also includes films that speak directly to the diasporas. Furthermore the recently restored film Dos ángeles y medio (Demetrio Malta, 1958) will be shown after it was lost for decades. These films’ blocks will be introduce by multiple guests, and we will close the evening with DJ's Mitze Apocalypse and Chucho Vinilo.

On the previous weekend, September 7th Cinema Colombiano will be at WORM Rotterdam.

Click HERE to see the full program.

Donderdag 19 september, 19:30


Efforts of Nature V: New works from Morgan Quaintance


EN Efforts of Nature V is the fifth iteration of an expanded screening programme arranged by Morgan Quaintance, that both includes and expands from his film of the same name.

This combined programme, featuring work by Marthe Peters, Jerry Tartaglia, Marlon Riggs, Xiaolu Wang and Pedro Pietri, considers the human body as both grounded locus for affects, pleasures and illnesses; and as a vessel through which carnal realities lead to transcendental experience. Together these works explore what encases the body, what sets the mind free, and how these two conditions may not be as separate as we think.

Peurto Rican Obituary – Pedro Pietri (4')
RIP – Morgan Quaintance (2022, 3')
Affirmations – Marlon Riggs (1990, 10')
Telephone Booth Number 905 1/2 (spoken word) – Pedro Pietri (1')
Kalkapje (Baldilocks) – Marthe Peters (2023, 24')
1 AM At All Times (spoken word) – Pedro Pietri (2')
Ecce Homo – Jerry Tartaglia (1989, 7')
Efforts of Nature – Morgan Quaintance (2023, 19')
At the Bamboo Green – Xiaolu Wang (2024, 11')

Morgan and Marthe will take part in a Q&A with Leonie Woodfin after the screening.

Entry: €5 / Cineville card valid
For this screening, it is possible to reserve via Amsterdam Alternative.

Vrijdag 20 september, 20:30


Kissable Screens: Remote Sex Work
+ director’s talk

Carmina & Prune | 2024 | FR | 73’ | EN subs


EN Kissable Screens, a monthly program of sex-positive films, will be present for a Q&A after the screening of Remote Sex Work (Télétravail du Seks). It’s a documentary that gives a voice to online sex workers, following them into their daily lives and showing what goes on behind the scenes. Directed by two online sex workers, Carmina and Prune, the film follows the daily lives of five French women who create and sell adult content. Over the course of an hour and twelve minutes, they talk about the diversity of their activity, their relationships with sexuality and the sometimes complex relationships they have with the digital platforms on which they operate and with those they call their "clients". All of this, and this is rare when talking about sex work, without putting a sensationalist filter or, to use the directors' term, "victimizing", on this much-fantasized profession. On the contrary, as Carmina explains, "We wanted to show reality: what it's like on a daily basis, the difficulties we encounter and the happiness we can find.”

Zaterdag 21 september, 20:30


48 Years: Silent Dictator + director's talk

Hiroshi Sunairi | 2018 | Japan, USA | 76’ | EN subs


EN Iwao Hakamada, a former professional boxer, was sentenced to death in 1968 for mass murder and held on death row for 48 years, the longest stint in history. In 2014, he was granted an immediate release when the Shizuoka district court found that the evidence against him had been fabricated.  Mr. Hakamada now lives peacefully with his sister in Hamamatsu.

This documentary was filmed in 2015, one year after Mr. Hakamada’s discharge. In interviewing Mr. Hakamada, now 79 years old and still suffering from prison psychosis, this record attempts to capture the immeasurable solitude of nearly half a century. Walking alongside Hakamada through his labyrinth of delusions, amidst fading memories and the powerful will to victory, it glimpses into Hakamada’s complicated psychology, a web of opaque logic warped by his life’s predicament.

The ruling of Mr. Hakamada’s retrial by Shizuoka district court is expected on 26 September 2024. See the press coverage here.

Donderdag 26 september, 20:00


enWIREment 3 – the current experience!



EN A night of audiovisual immersion into the depths of atmospheric, industrial and noise sonorities enhanced by abstract video art on a large cinema screen. With guests coming from Egypt, Brazil and France as well as a number of Dutch residents. Come visit the oldest independent DIY cinema in Amsterdam for this special experience! With: Galalalive, De/Sekte, Caeso, Klaatu Barada Nikto, Burroughs and Svartvit. More→

Entrance: 5 euros
(Cineville not valid)



NL Toegang 5 euro, tenzij anders vermeld.
We accepteren ook de Cinevillepas.
Reserveren is niet mogelijk. Kaartjes kunnen vanaf een half uur voor aanvang aan de bar gekocht worden.
EN Entrance 5 euros, unless stated otherwise. We also accept the Cineville card.
It's not possible to make reservations. Tickets can be bought at the bar, half an hour before the film starts.