Vrijdag 30 juni

Book Launch Night:
Resonance of a Breathing Bowl



EN On the occasion of the launch of the publication Resonance of a Breathing Bowl, Suns and Stars cordially invites you to an evening organized in collaboration with Filmhuis Cavia, Sojung Jun, Giulia Bellinetti, Marente van der Valk, Deborah Startman, Hyeisoo Kim, Marjoca de Greef and Anastasija Pandilovska.

The publication sprouted from the ongoing research regarding Onggi earthenware, the unassuming household object that escapes from becoming a mere commodity, and the fermentation processes practiced in the Korean Peninsula. Guided by Sojung Jun's artistic practice and the two films shown, the voices of non-human and human beings, and formatted as a film script-like structure, the book is a way to engage in thinking about how we can instill the knowledge of a breathing bowl and fermentation processes to teach us about becoming bodies that recognize the value of being absorptive and receptive. Insisting that the publication Resonance of a Breathing Bowl is but an invitation for a further study with and through others, during this evening we will engage in an ongoing mode of thinking about worlds of matters touching, matters talking and collaborative forms of world-making.

We open up the evening with the work that started the curatorial research project Resonance of a Breathing Bowl. The video work 불의시 (The Poem of Fire) by Sojung Jun is an aperture which places us amid voices of matters, allowing us to listen to the intimate interconnectedness of the fire, the clay, the wind, and Onggijang Hyun Bae Lee in the process of making Onggi. As we hear the sound of clay spinning between the fingers of the Onggijang, a voice says: “Everything’s among the contradictions of waiting for a coincidence”.


• Welcoming words from the Cavia community by Hyeisoo Kim

• Introduction of the project Resonance of a Breathing Bowl by Anastasija Pandilovska

• Screening of Poem of Fire (11min, 2015) and Something Red (7min, 2010) by Sojung Jun

Sourdough Economy. How to think more-than-capitalist economies through fermentation?, a presentation by Giulia Bellinetti and Marente van der Valk of the Jan Van Eyck Academie’s Nature Research and Food Lab

• Break

• Screening of Last Things (50min, 2023) by Deborah Startman

• Drinks and informal conversations


About Suns and Stars
Suns and Stars are a nomadic art space and a platform for relational art practices and open-ended research. By nourishing material and social interaction and non-prescriptive, process-based and cross-disciplinary alliances, we act as a temporary community in which humans and nonhumans, artists and audiences codetermine which tracks Suns and Stars are heading for. Suns and Stars depart from “a notion of the common that focuses not on identity but on the shared resources and tactics of collective labour.” Attracting artists, researchers, special interest groups, curators, and writers who develop their work in collaboration rather than in an autonomous space, we seek to elucidate processes within artistic practices, and how these practices can become social spaces where alternative potentialities and speculative worlds can be conceived and shaped.

Resonance of a Breathing Bowl is developed in the context of the Arts Joint Fund Programme initiated by DutchCulture and Arts Council Korea - ARKO on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between The Netherlands and South Korea.

Resonance of a Breathing Bowl is made possible with the generous support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Korea and DutchCulture and Filmhuis Cavia.

Vrijdag 30 juni, 19:30


Book Launch Night: Resonance of a Breathing Bowl


The Poem of Fire

Sojung Jun | 2015 | Zuid-Korea | 11’ | EN subs


NL We beginnen de avond in Cavia met het werk dat aan de basis lag van het curatoriële onderzoeksproject Resonance of a Breathing Bowl. 불의 시 (Het gedicht van vuur) brengt ons binnen hoorafstand van het vuur, de klei, de wind en Onggijang Hyun Bae Lee tijdens het maken van Onggi. Luisterend naar de Koreaanse woorden en de uitingen van de intieme onderlinge verbondenheid van de protagonisten, horen we de klei zingen, draaiend tussen de vingers van de Onggijang. Een stem zegt: "Alles is gezegd met de tegenstrijdigheid van het wachten op een toeval".

EN We open up the evening with the work that started the curatorial research project Resonance of a Breathing Bowl. The video work 불의시 (The Poem of Fire) by Sojung Jun is an aperture which places us amid voices of matters, allowing us to listen to the intimate interconnectedness of the fire, the clay, the wind, and Onggijang Hyun Bae Lee in the process of making Onggi. As we hear the sound of clay spinning between the fingers of the Onggijang, a voice says: “Everything’s among the contradiction of waiting for a coincidence”.


Something Red

Sojung Jun | 2010 | Zuid-Korea | 7’ | EN subs


NL Tijdens de eerste beelden van de tweede film van de avond van Sojung Jun, Something Red (Iets Roods), worden we een kimchifabriek binnengeleid met de woorden: het "nieuwe bekende" en het "oude onbekende." In haar film benadrukt Jun de zorgvuldige aandacht van de fabrieksarbeiders voor de traditie van het kimchi maken. Ze laat zien hoe de fabrieksarbeiders hun best doen om de traditie en de smaak van kimchi een nieuw leven te geven in een geïndustrialiseerde omgeving, door de koolbladeren met liefdevolle zorg te omringen.

EN In Something Red, the second work by Sojung Jun for the evening, we enter a kimchi factory where a voice guides us between a “new familiarity” and “old unfamiliarity”. Jun explores the concerns of factory workers about the industrialisation of tradition and their attentiveness to imbue their product with care which gives taste to the kimchi.


Sourdough Economy: How to think more-than-capitalist economies through fermentation?

A presentation by Giulia Bellinetti and Marente van der Valk


NL Giulia Bellinetti, coördinator van Nature Research (Jan van Eyck Academie) en Marente van der Valk, kunstenaar en coördinator van het Food Lab (Jan van Eyck Academie) bespreken in een performatieve lezing hoe natuurlijke gistingsprocessen ons kunnen inspireren om sociale en economische relaties ecologisch te herdefiniëren. Wat gebeurt er als we onze economische systemen hervormen en we ons laten leiden door de dynamische processen van duurzame leefvormen? Als ons economisch handelen niet wordt gedreven vanuit een puur menselijk kader en door het op winst gerichte denken dat toe-eigening en vernietiging legitimeert? Giulia en Marente nodigen ons uit deel te nemen aan een collectieve reis, om via de smaakpapillen en met verbeeldingskracht deze vragen en verwante werken van collega-kunstenaars te onderzoeken.

EN Giulia Bellinetti and Marente van der Valk of the Jan Van Eyck Academie’s Nature Research and Food Lab present in a joint lecture, share their reflections on how natural fermentation processes can inspire us to rethink social and economic relations in an ecological sense. What would happen if we reframe economy as a concept related to dynamic processes of livelihood-making, rather than as a purely human framework legitimizing extractive, profit-driven relations?  Bellinetti and van der Valk invite us on a collective journey through our minds and taste buds, to explore these questions and related works of fellow artists.


Last Things

Deborah Stratman | 2023 | USA, FR, PT | 50’ | EN subs


NL Ten slotte betreden we het terrein van de kosmogonie (bestudeert het ontstaan van het universum) en de kosmologie (bestudeert de structuur en de evolutie van het universum). Aan de hand van denkers die de mens niet als de maat der dingen beschouwen, ontvouwt Deborah Startman in haar film Last Things een pluralistische visie op de evolutie, waarbij de verbeelding van de prehistorie onlosmakelijk verbonden is met de verbeelding van de toekomst. Last Things vertelt een ecologisch verhaal over ‘zijn’ en ‘niet-zijn’ en stelt de scheidslijn tussen leven en dood ter discussie,  want “in the end, it’s particles that remain.”

EN Lastly, from the works of Jun, and the words and fermented matter shared by Bellinetti and Van der Valk, we step into a space that is in part cosmogony and cosmology. Drawing from thinkers who urge to decentralize humankind and human reason, Deborah Startman proposes a pluralist vision of evolution, where imagining prehistory is inseparable from envisioning the future. Last Things animates ecological access to rethink the point of view of being and non-being and their kinship. Because “in the end, it’s particles that remain.”



NL Gratis toegang. Het is fijn als je je komst wil aanmelden op: info@sunsandstars.nl

EN Free entrance. It is helpful if you register at: info@sunsandstars.nl