15, 16 en 17 juli
Outdoor Cinema
“mOOn Over tOwns mOOn
we open the courtyard again this year to share our friendship and love for films during summer nights. We screen bold and fearless racing girls on Friday night, four short video works of artists who undertake journeys to find mythical, pointless, missing and everlasting stories on Saturday. On Sunday, Moons of Cavia will end with a classic underground feature film. Afterwards the moon won’t really disappear, yet it might appear to grow
*A poem by e.e. cummings.
The entrance for all of the screenings is free but donations are very much appreciated.
With special thanks to our neighbors from the Kempenaerstudio for generously sharing the space with us.
Doors and bar open at 20:00
Films start at 22:00
Vr. 15 | : Speed Sisters |
Za. 16 | : Shapeshifting: 4 short videos |
Zo. 17 | : Flammes |
Vrijdag 15 juli, 22:00
Speed Sisters
Amber Fares | 2015 | PS, US, QA, UK, DK, CA | 78' | EN subs
NL Ondanks een wirwar van wegblokkades en controleposten is er een bloeiende autorace-scene ontstaan op de Palestijnse Westelijke Jordaanoever. De races, gehouden op geïmproviseerde circuits, bieden een bevrijding van de druk en onzekerheden van het leven onder Israëlische militaire bezetting. Vijf vastberaden en gepassioneerde vrouwen – Marah, Betty, Noor, Mona en Maysoon – hebben zich aangesloten bij deze scene en zijn het eerste autoraceteam in het Midden-Oosten dat uitsluitend uit vrouwen bestaat. De documentaire laat zien hoe ze zich een weg banen door de mannenwereld van de autosport, maar geeft ook een intieme kijk op hun persoonlijke leven en familie.
EN Despite a tangle of roadblocks and checkpoints, a thriving street car racing scene has emerged in the Palestinian West Bank. The races, held at improvised tracks, offer a release from the pressures and uncertainties of life under Israeli military occupation. Five determined and passionate women – Marah, Betty, Noor, Mona and Maysoon – have joined this scene and are the first all-women race car driving team in the Middle East. The documentary shows them navigating their way through the men's world of car racing, but also gives an intimate look at their personal lives and families.
Zaterdag 16 juli, 22:00
Shapeshifting: 4 short videos
NL In de beroemde woorden van Bruce Lee: "Leeg je geest, wees vormloos, gedaanteloos — zoals water". De hersenen, het hart en het bloed van de mens bestaan voor 80 procent uit water. Mensen zijn waterlichamen. Onze waterige belichaming daagt de hardnekkige humanistische kijk op lichamelijkheid uit, en stelt zich in plaats daarvan het verdere ervan voor. Deze 4 korte video's zijn gemaakt van documentaire, essay, fantasie en beeldmateriaal waarin de kunstenaars zelf verschillende vormen van gedaanteverandering ondergaan door echte of metaforische reizen te maken. Hun lichamen lijken door historische en denkbeeldige ruimtes te reizen terwijl ze hun vormen en identiteit veranderen als water, of als manen die vol en leeg worden.
Na de vertoning zal er een middernachtgesprek plaatsvinden met alle kunstenaars.
EN In the famous words of Bruce Lee, "empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water". Humans' brain, heart and blood are for 80 percent made of water. Humans are bodies of water. Our watery embodiment challenges the persistant humanistic view on corporeality, and instead imagines its beyond. These 4 short videos are made of documentary, essay, fantasy and footage in which the artists themselves undergo different forms of shapeshifting by making real or metaphorical journeys. Their bodies seem to travel through historical and imaginary spaces while changing their shapes and identity like water, or like moons that grow full and empty.
There will be a midnight talk with the artists after the screening.
The Temple of Nehalennia
Lucy Cordes Engelmen | 2022 | 12’
Lucy's ongoing research plumbs the newly discovered drowned land that is now the North Sea, glacial erratics, and a Neolithic Netherlands' marine goddess, Nehalennia, whose name translates loosely between, "she who is close to the sea" and "she who is close to the salt"... the work in progress takes form via multiple iterations, including this film, containing texts of Ada Hondius Crone and Astrida Neimanis, and a folk chant warding off the rain, Sadā, Vīmo, sung by vocal group, Skandinieki in Livonian, an extinct language of a fishing peoples from what is now northern Latvia.
Landing: Microlight flight over Cullinan Mine
Laura Emsley | 2013 | 4'
In many of her works Laura travels to caves that she films, dwells in, recreates or writes about in order to experience what knowledge could be. This time Laura journeyed to South Africa in search of the untold story. After arriving in Cullinan, South Africa, she managed to co-opt a micro-light flyer. By diverting from the usual tourist attractions, and convincing the pilot to take a different route, she found herself flying over a very large hole in the earth where the largest diamond in the world was found in 1907.
Where the Heart Goes
Yun Choi | 2021 | 31’
In the video, imaginary costumed bodies are traveling through temporarily installed objects that were part of Yun's 2020 exhibition called ‘Where the Heart Goes’. The objects of the exhibition space are summoned into contemporary art folklore by layers of digital space, filtered images, scattered sounds, and empty words. Perhaps, longing for where the heart goes, in Yun’s work, reawakens the institutionalized bodies and recalls our complex and sensual spirits.
The Boat, the Train, the Road
Yuchen Li | 2022 | 45'
This essay film follows the trajectories of three Chinese immigrants in Tanzania, through Yuchen’s lens. Each of them arrived in a different time in the 1940s, 1970s, and 2010s, all with different political contexts. We listen to their personal, thus political, stories, and reflect on the narratives of anti-colonialism from China and Africa. Yuchen's work revolves around diasporic narratives in relation to cultural identity and ancestral memories while she attempts to pose these questions within collective conversation.
Zondag 17 juli, 22:00
Adolfo Arrieta | 1978 | FR | 82’ | EN subs
NL Flammes is een essentieel meesterwerk van de Franse underground filmscene en wordt door velen beschouwd als de beste film van Adolfo Arrieta. Arrieta, een Spaanse filmmaker en dichter die in de jaren zeventig in Parijs verbannen was, maakte een aantal speelfilms en verschillende korte films die zelden buiten Frankrijk werden vertoond. Flammes vertelt het bizarre verhaal van een jong meisje dat al sinds haar vroege jeugd verliefd is op brandweerlieden (of hun uniform?). Ze veroorzaakt een denkbeeldige brand in het huis van haar ouders om een brandweerman meerdere dagen in haar kamer te ontvoeren... Van kinderliefde tot het ontwaken van vrouwelijk verlangen, Flammes is een mengeling van gratie en perversiteit. Verwacht lyriek, dromen, poëzie en verlangen.
EN An essential masterpiece of the underground French film scene, Flammes is considered by many to be Adolfo Arrieta's best film. A Spanish filmmaker and poet exiled in Paris in the 1970s, Arrieta made a couple of features and several short films, which have rarely been screened outside of France. Flammes tells the crazy story of a young girl in love with firefighters since her early childhood. She causes an imaginary fire in her parents' house in order to kidnap a firefighter in her room for several days. From childhood love to the awakening of feminine desire, Flammes is a mixture of gracefulness and perversity. Expect lyricism, dreams, poetry and desire.